Home Vulnerability Management

Vulnerability Management

Learn how to identify, detect, mitigate and report a vulnerability effectively.

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TASK 1 Introduction

I have completed the prerequisites and I’m ready to start.

No Answer.

TASK 2 Vulnerability Management vs Vulnerability Scanning

The process encompassing vulnerability scanning and other factors, such as risk acceptance, is called?

Answer : vulnerability management

Is the overall objective of vulnerability management to increase an organisation’s risk exposure? (yea/nay)

The objective is to reduce the exposure.

Answer : NAY

TASK 3 Vulnerability Classification

What is the CVSS for CVE-2013-1048?

CVE-2013-1048 CVSS CVE-2013-1048 CVSS

Answer : 4.6

What is the Access Complexity for CVE-2013-1048?

CVE-2013-1048 Complexity CVE-2013-1048 Complexity

Answer : low

With the fictional CVE-2023-2022, what would the CVE ID assign year be?

The year assigned to a CVE is the first part XXXX of the CVE number CVE-XXXX-YYYY.

Answer : 2023

TASK 4 Vulnerability Management Life Cycle - Discover & Prioritise

We have already scanned an Ubuntu machine; therefore, answer the following questions based on the scan report of LinuxAppTask task.

No Answer.

After scanning, what is the total number of medium-level vulnerabilities?

After going in the LinuxApp scan report, we can view the number of vulnerabilities found :

LinuxApp scan report LinuxApp scan report

Answer : 1

What is the severity score for the vulnerability “ICMP Timestamp Reply Information Disclosure”?

From previous question image.

Answer : 2.1

What is the operating system and the version number of the target machine?


Answer : ubuntu 20.04

TASK 5 Vulnerability Management Life Cycle - Assess & Report

Download the LinuxAppTask report in PDF format. What is the severity rating of the vulnerability in the report, where the solution type is “Workaround”?

severity rating severity rating

Answer : medium

What is the solution type for the “TCP timestamps” vulnerability?

Answer : Mitigation

What is the CVE for “ICMP Timestamp Reply Information Disclosure”?

CVE-1999-0524 CVE-1999-0524

Answer : CVE-1999-0524

TASK 6 Vulnerability Management Life Cycle - Remediate & Verify

Create a ticket for resolving the “Cleartext Transmission of Sensitive Information via HTTP” vulnerability.

Ticket Ticket

No Answer.

As a Security Engineer, the priority of a remediation ticket for a critical vulnerability must be (high/medium/low)?

Answer : high

TASK 7 Vulnerability Management Framework

The process of listing vulnerabilities as per their order of priority is called?

“Prioritise vulnerabilities: Since every enterprise has a large number of vulnerabilities, it is essential to prioritise vulnerabilities for remediation, ensuring that the responsible team takes adequate measures to fix vulnerabilities based on their priority.”

Answer : Prioritise vulnerabilities

Which phase entails updating and strengthening resilience plans and restoring any compromised capabilities or services caused by a cybersecurity event?

Answer : recover

I have read the details regarding all five phases of the NIST CSF.

No Answer.

TASK 8 Conclusion

I have completed the room successfully.

No Answer.

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